In today’s installment of closet Confessionals, we meet a lawyer on the verge of 30 who has her purse priorities all lined up. This confessor began collecting bags at the age of 23 and it was love at first first purchase! Her very first bag, also happens to be one of her many sentimental, and it’s a bag she still used and carries to this very day.

Though in her younger years this confessor dreamed of owning a bag from every major designer, as an adult this luxury lover realties the significance of the classics and now choses to only purchase from certain brands. with that being said, this collector also considers her purchases to be investments, making the brands she frequents even much more important. read the full CC now and don’t forget to submit your own!

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Die Grundlagen

Age: 29
Gender Identity: Female
Location: southern California
Occupation: Lawyer
Industry: Legal
Salary: $110,000
Household Income: $110,000

Die Taschen

Are you a PurseForum member? Nein

How numerous bags do you own? around 20

What bags are in your collection?

Hermès Aline

Chanel Gabrielle Large

Chanel 2.55 small Tweed

Chanel medium Boy

Chanel young boy Brick

LV classic monogram petite Malle

LV reverse monogram huge Boite Chapeau Souple

Dior lady Medium

Dior Diorama WOC

A few other brands like Goyard, Gucci, Bvlgari, Prada, etc

How much is your collection worth? about $50,000.00

What is your many expensive bag? probably Chanel Boy, I haven’t check the recent price increase for some of my bags. though the LV petite Malle was the most costly one for me when I purchased it in 2015.

What are the most essential brands or pieces in your collection? Chanel young boy brick because it’s the very first designer bag I bought. I remember debating between the classic Chanel and young boy brick but I chose the young boy brick because of its seasonal/limited appeal and vintage look.

What age did you get your first designer bag, and what was it? 23Jahrealt. It came after a several grand scholarship for students doing well during their first year of law school. I remember using my scholarship that year to purchase my very first Chanel young boy Brick.

Is there a particular bag you are wanting to purchase next? Either a classic Chanel Bag or Hermès Picotin. I am trying to build my profile for a Kelly, but the constant increase for Chanel is swaying me to get the Chanel classic first.

Any particular bag that holds a special sentimental value? That Chanel young boy Brick! I still love that piece to this very day. I take it out once in a while and a lot of people would ask me about it.

Do you feel like your bags change people’s perceptions of you or how you’re treated? Undeniably yes. I only use my designers when I go out of shopping. I do not carry it for work to avoid any judgmental comments or thoughts. It’s hard not to judge someone based on their outer appearance. It’s human nature right? Lol

Have your bag-carrying practices changed because Covid? Not very much…I like spacious bags so many of my bags besides the WOCs can hold all my essentials from hand sanitizer to my bulky wallet. My guideline of thumb is…if the bag can’t hold my phone, I will not purchase it.

Das Einkaufen

How typically do you purchase new bags? It used to be 2-3 per year, now only 1. I tend purchase much more when traveling. When I was young, my goal was to collect one single style from all the major designers. When I practically reached that goal, my adulting self told me to just stick with something I can use for numerous years to come…bags that don’t look hideous even when I am 70 years old. So I choose Chanel and Hermès now.

Has the Coronavirus pandemic changed your shopping practices or overall attitude towards luxury? Yes, I shop a lot less! though I guess this saves my budget for something much more grand.

Which stores do you frequent the most? Chanel. I have to admit, Chanel’s quality isn’t so terrific comparing it to prior years. However, I don’t feel like I am purchasing a depreciating good with Chanel!

Do you ever purchase second-hand bags? Where do you purchase used? Never…not to be strange but I choose the smell and packaging of new items.

Do you sell old bags to pay for new purchases? Yes, I am currently clearing my closet with brands that do not hold value and rapidly become outdated like Versace, D&G, Salvator, Miu Miu etc. I sell them on eBay or to Neiman Marcus.

Do you ever feel societal pressure to purchase much more bags? Nope, much more so deter.

Do you consider your bag purchases investments? Definitiv!

Who influences your purchasing decisions? I, me, and myself lol

Are sales associate relationships instrumental to your shopping? Nope…not even for Hermès. I want to try and see if my portfolio is strong enough that they would offer me the bag based on my purchase history. If not, then I will build a relationship with an SA. I still got time ? maybe I am an introvErt, also wähle ich einkaufen mit einer SA.

Warum freuen Sie sich am Einkaufen, abgesehen davon, dass Sie nur etwas Neues erwerben? Sicherlich Anfang 20. Ich bin kein Shopaholic mehr. Vielleicht ist es in meinem Alter, ich bin viel mehr darin, Geld für andere Investitionen zu sparen, als für den Einkaufen zu maximalen.

Haben Sie jemals das Gefühl, aufgrund Ihres Aussehens, Ihrer ethnischen Zugehörigkeit oder Ihres Geschlechts einen minderwertigen Service in einem Geschäft oder einer Boutique erhalten zu haben? Ich bin eine asiatische Frau, damit das sie beantworten sollte?

Das Geld

Wer bezahlt für Ihre Koffer? Nur ich und in einigen Fällen meine geliebte Schwester. Kein Lebensgefährte für mich.

Legen Sie ein Budget für Ihre Taschenkäufe beiseite? Normalerweise warte ich auf den Vortrag, um jetzt eine Tasche zu kaufen.

Die Tabu -Themen

Haben Sie jemals eine Fälschung gekauft, weil Sie sich keinen Designerartikel leisten konnten? Niemals! Ich glaube fest an intellektuelle Heimatrechte. Lol

Verstecken Sie jemals Einkäufe vor Ihrem Lebensgefährten? Ich habe derzeit niemanden, vor dem ich mich verstecken kann. Ich möchte, dass mein zukünftiger anderer auch meine finanzielle Unabhängigkeit respektiert.

Was ist das Verrückteste, was Sie getan haben, um sich eine Tasche zu leisten? Ich bin keine spontane Art von Person. Ich denke viel, bevor ich meine Entscheidungen treffe. Ich habe nie viel mehr als 1/2 pro Stunde ausgegeben, um eine Tasche zu kaufen. Das ist vom Gehen in den Laden und mit einer Tasche in der Hand.

Denken Sie, dass Ihr Einkauf jemals ein Problem ist? Haben Sie jemals das Gefühl, mit einer Einkaufsabhängigkeit zu kämpfen? Nopeeee

Der Rest davon

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